Rents range from $1,400 to $41,000 per month. The maximum number of bedrooms in any one unit is 24.
The soonest 4 units will be available is 05-29-2025.
To sort, click on a column heading.Address | City | Unit/Apt | Bedrooms/ Occupants |
Rent | Date Available |
845 Brookwood | Ann Arbor | 3 | 1 / 2 | $1,400 | 08/24/2025 |
845 Brookwood | Ann Arbor | 4 | 1 / 2 | $1,400 | 08/24/2025 |
1032 Church | Ann Arbor | 1 | 6 / 6 | $6,750 | 08/24/2025 |
319 East Jefferson | Ann Arbor | 1 and | 8 / 9 | $9,400 | 08/24/2025 |
809 Hill Street | Ann Arbor | 1-3 | 9 / 11 | $14,300 | 08/24/2025 |
818 Hill Street | Ann Arbor | 1 | 4 / 4 | $6,450 | 05/29/2025 |
820 Hill Street | Ann Arbor | 1 | 24 / 24 | $41,000 | 05/29/2025 |
1012 Hill Street | Ann Arbor | 1 | 23 / 23 | $37,100 | 05/29/2025 |
723 Oakland Avenue | Ann Arbor | 1-3 | 14 / 16 | $17,000 | 08/24/2025 |
1117 Prospect | Ann Arbor | 1 | 6 / 6 | $6,750 | 08/24/2025 |
808 Tappan Street | Ann Arbor | 1-6 | 11 / 11 | $22,000 | 05/29/2025 |
1109 White | Ann Arbor | 1 | 6 / 6 | $6,750 | 08/14/2025 |
1117 White St | Ann Arbor | 1 | 6 / 6 | $6,750 | 08/14/2025 |